Welcome to HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Photo Gallery
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- Arts - Michelin - Houses - Red House - 2015-16 - Form 1 Party - 社際閃避球比賽 - Yellow House - 2017-2018 - Blue House - 2017-2018 PE Day - Day 2 - Day1 - Blue (2016-2017) - House Committees - Green House - 2016-2017 - Clubs and Societies - Basketball Team - 28/10/2014_THMSS_vs_HKRSSTPSS - Civic Ed. Society - Civic Ed. Society 2018-2019 - Civic Ed.Society 2017-18 - Civic Education Society 2016-2017 - Civic Ed. Society 2015-2016 - Road Safety Patrol - 2018-2019 - 2017-2018 - 2015-2016 - Girl Guide - Girl Guide(2018-2019) - GirlGuide(2017-2018) - Girl Guides(2016-2017) - Serving The Hong Kong Taoist Association - Scout - 2018-19 - 2017-2018 - 2016-17 - 2014-2015 - Red Cross - 2018-2019 - 2017-2018 - First Aid Competition - 2016-2017 - Junior Police Call - 2016-2017 - CYC - 2018-2019 - CYC 2017-2018 - CYC 2016-2017 - CYC 2015-2016 - CYC 2014-1015 - Chess Club - Photography Club - Wu Kai Sha--Sam Pui Chau - 2018-19 Light Painting - 2017-18 Nam Sang Wai - 20161123 Photo with Your Dream - 2016-17 - Ecological photography at Hok Tau ↔ Fung Yuen - 20161217 Fun in Chinese University - 20151218 Barbeque+Light painting - Mui Chi Lam - Buk Kong - Nam Tung-Sam Bui Cau - Sport Day 14-15 - Home Econ Club - 2018-2019 - Soap making - 御守DIY - Greentea tofu cheesecake - Town Gas Visit - Bracelet Workshop - Home Econ Club / 2017-2018 - 2016-2017 - 35th Anniversary - lipsticks - souffle pancake - card holder & hairclips - food preparation for VIP - town gas visit - cardholders - hair pins & cookies for fund-raising on parents' day - lipsticks & hand cream - hair pins - country cookies - almond cookies - 2015-2016 - 2014-2015 - Hiking Club - Visual Arts Club - 2017-2018 - Public Speaking Club - English Debating and Public Speaking Society - Drama and Movie Club - 2015 ~ 2016 - 2014-15 - 2013-14 - Music Club - 2018-2019 - 2017-2018 - 2014-2015 - Conservancy Club - 沙螺洞導賞團 - climate change workshop - 18/1/2019~Climate Change School Programme by the WGO - 5/12/2018~Visit to Ocean Park - 2017~Amphibian and reptile talk - 2017~Green School Electricity Benchmarking Tool Development & Research - 2017~beach cleaning - 2017~林蔭咖啡能量球下午茶 - Cheung Chau - Visit to Ocean Park - DIY Recycling Red Packets Workshop - Debating Society - 2017-2018 - 2016-2017 - 1617 - 2015-2016 - Economics Society - 2018-19 - 2017-2018 - Guided Visit to the Final Appeal - 2016-2017 - Chinese New Year Publication - 2016-2017 - 2014-2015 - 2013-2014 - ICT & STEM Club (Formerly Computer Society) - 2018-2019 - First AGM - 2017-2018 - 2015-2016 - IT Challenge 1 - Day 2 - Day 1 - Chinese Typing Competition - Final Event - Heat Event - Day 2 - Day 1 - English Typing Competition - 2014-2015 - 2013-2014 - History Society - 2016-2017 - First AGM - firstoutgoing - 1 - Geography Society - 2018-19 Geography Society - 2017-18 Geography Society - 2016-17 Geography Society - Field trip to Dragon Back - Geography Society - Chi. History Society - 2017-2018 - 2016-2017 - Science Society - Glass etching 14-15 - Mathematics Society - English Society - 2016-2017 - Open Day - Second AGM - Literary Society - Literary Society - Putonghua Society - 2017-2018甜品班(鮮果夏洛特) - 普通話米紙卷班 - 中一中二級朗誦及演講比賽 - 相片 - Pth Last AGM - 普通話甜品班 - Pth Society - Chinese Society - School Events - FYSK Scholarship Prize-giving - 2017 - 2016 - From FYSK - 2015 - 2014 - 2014 Adventureship Programme - 2014-2015 S1 Adventure Training - World Rope Skipping Championships 2014 - S6 Farewell - 2017-2018 - 2016-2017 - 2015-2016 - 2014-2015 - 2013-2014 - Class Photo - 2017-2018 - 2016-2017 - 2015-2016 - 2014-2015 Search in sub-albums